spark plug wires

Changing Spark Plug Wires w the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Changing Spark Plug Wires with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Spark plug wires should not be forgotten when performing routine checkups or while changing your spark plugs.  Better yet, changing the spark plug wires is usually a relatively easy job that you can easily do if you will follow our instructions.  If you feel you have spark plug or spark plug wire problems and you […]

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Changing Spark Plugs with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Changing Spark Plugs with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Not every auto repair requires a certified mechanic or auto repair shop.  When the time comes to change your spark plugs, it doesn’t have to mean a trip to the auto repair shop.  Changing your spark plugs is a pretty simple, basic maintenance job that will result in a smoother ride with better gas mileage. 

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