5 Important Questions to Ask a Mechanic Before Beginning Repairs

5 Questions You Should Always Ask A Mechanic Before Beginning Repairs

Before getting work done on your car, it’s important to be informed. Read here for 5 questions you should always ask a mechanic before beginning repairs.

Are you walking into an auto-shop blind?

Don’t be!

It’s important you know exactly what’s going on before dropping money on an unnecessary repair. You’re going to be better off with at least a base level knowledge of what’s going on with your car behind the scenes.

It all starts with asking the best questions. It doesn’t need to be anything complicated. You don’t need to know how to fix a broken muffler per-say (though we do).

You just need to know how to potentially save money and keep stress levels to a minimum.

Just ask your mechanic these few simple questions:

1. Ask a Mechanic “Are You Certified?”

It’s a basic question but your car is an investment and we’d assume you’d like to make sure it’s in good hands.

A National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification is a great place to start. Certified technicians like ours are held to a specific standard.

This includes one or two years of training on the job and a two-year degree in auto mechanics. These certifications need to be renewed every five years as well.

In other words, you can rest assured knowing your vehicle is in good hands.

2. “How Long Will the Repairs Take?”

It’s a safe bet that you deserve to know how long your car is going to be worked on.

If you’re going to be without a car, don’t just walk away without a clue as to when you’re getting it back.

Come on, you’re better than that.

You’ve got places to go and things to do after all.

3. “What Happens If This Doesn’t Get Fixed?”

When you’re handed a list of repairs, it’s important that you know what needs to be repaired and what should be repaired.

Your transmission is a lot more important than that dent in your rear bumper. Knowing how to drive in winter weather is also important but there’s no need to stress about it during the summer.

You’ll be budgeting better as well if you’re not paying for things that aren’t important that minute.

4. “Can I Speak to Other Customers for Reference?”

Who better to ask for advice than people like yourself who have already paid to have their car fixed?

People take peer reviews to heart.

Did you know 90% of customers are influenced by online reviews? That should be enough justification.

Previous customers are able to give you the advice you actually want. Not just what the business wants you to know.

If the general consensus tells you that you need to run away, well, you have your answer.

5. “Will I be Charged for the Diagnosis Report?”

If you can save yourself some extra cash, why don’t you?

Some companies will charge you for the initial check-up so that’s something you and your credit card should be prepared for ahead of time.

Though, it is important to realize that a diagnosis fee is going to be a lot smaller than if a critical car component failed on the road because you never checked up on it.

See, now you’re already better off knowing what to ask a mechanic.

Have any other questions for our certified team? Of course, you do.

Ask away!

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